• Magic JS in adding a new page without an extra HTML
• Added button functionality for adding movies to "My
• Implemented hover functionality for removing movies from "My
Library" (Cezara's idea), and ensured the dark-mode button works
• General layout styling adjustments
•Laid out development stages and divided tasks to optimize team
effort and contribution
•Designed header style and carousel
•Implemented CSS styling for movie cards and movie modal
•Styled empty library object lists
•Ensured mobile and tablet responsiveness
•Contributed design ideas and UI concepts
•Identified and corrected issues throughout development
• Prepared the foundational structure of the site by coding the
HTML and parts of the CSS and JavaScript, including adding
• Implementing dark mode, a scroll-up button
• Modal for movie, with the team members and for user log
• Hero section and modal for mobile responsiveness
• Coordinated the team, facilitating communication between
members and ensuring progress throughout the project.